Consumer Insights Tracker: Technical report
Consumer Insights Tracker Technical Report: Ethics
This section discusses the ethical standards that are upheld for the Consumer Insights Tracker.
YouGov take a number of steps to ensure the highest ethical standards are upheld as part of this survey (these are in line with the GSR ethical assurances for social research). This covers four main items:
- Informed consent and right to withdraw: Before beginning the survey, respondents are presented with an introduction page explaining the survey topic. This ensures that all participants understand the nature of the survey at the outset and enables anyone who does not wish to continue to voluntarily exit at this point. All panellists have double opted into responding to online surveys. This means that they have agreed to take surveys with YouGov and have then agreed to participate in the Consumer Insights Tracker, when invited. Respondents are able to withdraw from the panel generally at any time and also have the option withdraw from the survey whilst it is in progress.
- Accessibility: YouGov takes steps to aid participation through its systems and capabilities by servicing all devices and channels in an accessible way. This includes optimising surveys to be conducted on a range of devices, configuring the way text and image-based questions are displayed to respondents to avoid any accessibility-related issues (e.g. through the use of screen reader support) and using plain, simple language.
- Avoiding personal harm: YouGov has a duty of care to panellists and steps are taken to avoid causing personal harm. Examples are signposting sensitive topics at the beginning of the survey (if relevant, depending on topics), providing links to trusted support organisations respondents can contact if required, and providing the option to skip or ‘prefer not to say’ to questions relating to sensitive information and/or special category data under the GDPR.
- Safeguarding personal data: All personal data collected on respondents is anonymised. The data YouGov shares with the FSA is completely anonymous, non-identifiable and only reported at an aggregate level. GDPR principles and other applicable local privacy and security obligations are adhered to by both YouGov and the FSA when conducting this research.