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How to report a problem with a food hygiene rating of your business

Address details for your business are wrong

If the name or address for your business shown in our food hygiene ratings service are wrong, contact the local authority that gave you the rating and ask for the necessary changes to be made.

Your rating is different to the one given on the last inspection

There can be a short delay while the local authority updates the Food hygiene ratings website. Local authorities upload ratings at least every 28 days. Ratings of '5 - very good' are published as soon as the information is uploaded by your local authority. Ratings of 0 – 4 are published 3 – 5 weeks after the date of inspection to allow for an appeal to be submitted (you can request that a rating is published before the end of the appeal period).

If your rating is still not correct after this time, contact your local authority food safety team.

You can’t find your rating

If you can’t find your rating, try searching using just the business name or with the first part of the postcode. If your business is registered at a private address (e.g. home caterers), only the first part of the postcode is published.

If you still can't find your rating, you should contact your local authority food safety team.

You want to appeal your rating

Find out how you can appeal your rating

You want to get a food hygiene rating for your business

To receive a food hygiene rating, you need to register your business with your local authority. Once registered, you will be inspected and awarded a rating by your local authority.