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Retail Surveillance Sampling Programme during Covid-19 pandemic

Retail Surveillance Sampling Programme during Covid-19 pandemic - Acknowledgements

England and Wales specific

We would first like to thank the Food Standards Agency for the opportunity to undertake this project.

Last updated: 28 June 2024
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Last updated: 28 June 2024
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In particular we would like to thank Dr Elspeth Ransom (Senior Strategic Officer Scientific Sampling and Laboratory Policy, SSLP) for her project management and guidance throughout, and David Franklin (Team Leader, SSLP) and Natalie Coles (Strategic Projects Officer, SSLP) for their support and assistance.

We would also like to thank the following individuals and the teams at the five Official Control Laboratories in England and Wales for their participation and support particularly in relation to their technical contributions, and all their efforts in sampling, analysis, and reporting:

Rachael New (Public Analyst), Heather Thomas (Team Leader - Physical Chemical Testing), Troy Doyle (Systems Manager) Hampshire Scientific Service

Jonathon Griffin (Public Analyst), Sam Keller (Team Leader), Carol Gibbons (Public Analyst), Mark Rolfe (Head of Kent Scientific Services), Kent Scientific Services

Bharath Reddy (Public Analyst), Tracey Jardine (Service Manager), Lancashire County Scientific Services

Alastair Low (Public Analyst), John Robinson (Head of Chemical Laboratories Division, Public Analyst), Minton Treharne and Davies Ltd

Duncan Arthur (Public Analyst), Emily Shannon (Public Analyst), Emma Downie (Public Analyst), Joanne Hubbard (Public Analyst), Michelle Evans (Public Analyst), Public Analyst Scientific Services.