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Local Authority Capacity and Capability research

Evidence from professional bodies, LAs and wider sources suggests that LAs are experiencing significant issues around the recruitment and retention of suitably/ appropriately qualified and experienced officers. The FSA commissioned Ipsos UK to carry out this initial phase of discovery research to understand more about the barriers and facilitators encountered by LAs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Evaluation of the Food Standards pilot

This report presents the findings from the evaluation of the pilot programme that the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has completed to test a proposed food standards delivery model as part of the Achieving Business Compliance (ABC) programme.

EU FIC allergen legislation research (February 2015)

Research tracking awareness EU Food Information for Consumers (FIC) allergen information regulations before and after they came into force in December 2014. The regulations concern how allergy information is displayed on prepackaged and loose food as well as how it is provided in restaurants, takeaways and all eating establishments.

Modernisation of the risk rating system for food establishments in the UK

The research aimed to develop the evidence base to inform the modernisation of the intervention rating schemes set out in the Food Law Code of Practice to reflect the complex changing nature of the food industry and the changes in the socio-economic circumstances facing local authorities and help deliver the FSA strategic objectives.

Potential for rapid on-site testing at border inspection posts

This project reviewed the current system(s) of residue and contaminant control of imported food, focusing on the use of rapid diagnostics. It questions whether the routine use of rapid screening at border inspection posts (BIPs) was a viable option.