Consultation on one feed additive application for use in animal feed
This consultation seeks stakeholders’ views, comments and feedback in relation to the regulated product application considered in this document, which has been submitted for authorisation.
Who will this consultation be of most interest to?
- animal feed manufacturers, importers/exporters and retailers
- all feed purchasers, including for food- and non-food-producing animals
- trade bodies representing stakeholders on animal feed, agriculture and the environment
- trade unions representing stakeholders in the farming industry
- organisations representing consumer interests in the feed and food-chains
- Enforcement Authorities
A list of interested parties is included in the consultation pack.
Consultation subject
This consultation concerns one feed additive application for use in animal feed for authorisation in Great Britain (GB).
Food Standards Scotland (FSS) and Food Standards Agency (FSA) have recently assessed one feed additive application: RP16 Chromium chelate of DL-methionine (Availa® Cr) as a feed additive for dairy cows. RP16 is an additional application to the recent applications for authorisation of regulated products: 24 feed additive applications and one application for feed for particular nutritional purposes (PARNUT). This consultation was launched on 22 April 2024. The intention is for application RP16 to considered for recommendation by ministers alongside the twenty-four feed additives and one PARNUT for use in animal feed.
As this is a single application in addition to an existing consultation, this consultation will run for four weeks. Stakeholders will have an opportunity to comment on this consultation and the closing date for responses will be 1 September 2024.
In addition to this consultation, we have also published joint Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) risk management recommendation (PDF below) and safety assessment for the application (link below).
Risk management recommendation PDF:
Safety Assessment RP16 Chromium Chelate of DL-Methionine
Purpose of this consultation
This consultation provides the opportunity for stakeholders’ views to be submitted on the authorisation of the feed additive chromium chelate of DL-methionine (Availa® Cr).
We will consider stakeholder feedback to inform ministers in England and Wales, before they make a determination, with the Minister of Health for Northern Ireland kept informed. We are seeking feedback on the proposed terms of authorisation, our assessment of the potential impacts detailed in the consultation pack, and any further evidence you may have on additional impacts that we should consider.
A parallel consultation is being published by FSS to equally inform Ministers' determination in Scotland.
Consultation pack
This consultation pack provides the background information and details you will need to know in order to respond to the questions in this consultation.
The full Consultation Pack is accessible via the link below:
Consultation pack on one feed additive application for use in animal feed
How to respond
Responses to this consultation should be submitted via the online survey. Alternatively, you can email a response to:
Name: Regulated Products Approvals Team
Division/Branch: Regulated Services
If responding by email, please state in your response whether you are responding as a private individual or on behalf of an organisation/company (including details of any stakeholders your organisation represents) and provide the nation in which you are based.
Publication of response summary
Within three months of a consultation ending, we aim to publish a summary of responses received and provide a link to it from this page. You can find information on how we handle data provided in response to consultations in our Consultations privacy notice.
Further information
This consultation has been prepared in accordance with HM Government Consultation Principles. If an Impact Assessment has been produced, this is included in the consultation documents. If no Impact Assessment has been provided, the reason will be given in the consultation document.
Revision log
Published: 5 August 2024
Last updated: 3 September 2024